Author Topic: What should be the roll of government?  (Read 9836 times)

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Offline Jim Nunziato

What should be the roll of government?
« on: February 05, 2014, 12:35:52 PM »
Ok, we need something to spark a little discussion, so I'll throw something out for starters...

What do you think the role of government should be in our personal lives? Should it be in the background, providing very little more than national security and law and order, or should it have greater in control of our daily lives, for our own good?

What you think?

"I never considered a difference of opinion in politics, in religion, in philosophy, as cause for withdrawing from a friend."  Thomas Jefferson

If Hillary was the answer, then it must have been a really stupid question!

Andrew Johnson

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Re: What should be the roll of government?
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2014, 09:12:51 PM »
The only role our government should have is defending our natural rights and freedom. As far as institutions are concerned, the only legitimate ones are the military, police and court systems. Even these should be scaled back drastically, by changing our foreign policy from imperialism to one of non-intervention and free trade (not to be confused with isolationism). The police and justice system should stop prosecuting victimless crimes, such as nonviolent drug users. The department of education, welfare system, and many others should be eliminated entirely, leaving such functions to families, communities and the church.

Offline Jim Nunziato

Re: What should be the roll of government?
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2014, 09:54:41 AM »
Hello Andrew,

   Welcome to the forums!  I totally agree with you. The scope, size, and power of the federal government is very well defined in the Constitution.  But it seems that in today's world, the Constitution is viewed as an "obstacle" to those who seek an ever expanding and more powerful federal government. They seem to constantly invent new ways to get around what it says and what it means, so they can further their own agendas instead of ours. I don't blame either party, as both parties are just as guilty. If we keep sending the same people to Washington to represent us, and they continue to represent their own interests instead of ours, who is to blame?

   I have said for years, the only way anything will change is for the mindset of the voters to change.  I see the current mindset of the people as the obstacle to restoring the federal government and the Constitution to their rightful places.  I think the first step is to educate the people. It's been a L-O-N-G time since I was in school, but it appears that our school system is no longer teaching the history of our country, the Constitution, or how our government is supposed to work. How can we possibly make intelligent choices, if there is no understanding of how the system works, or who we send to Washington to make it work?

  Is this all part of a "plan" to destroy our country, or is it just apathy? Have we become so complacent, and taken so many things for granted, that if we vote at all, we just pull any old lever in the ballot box, and go on our merry way?  If anything is to change, we have to inform and educate ourselves, our neighbors and our friends.  This is why I look forward to our meetings of the Sentinel Patriots club. I have learned a lot at our get-togethers, and Ron & Henry always get you thinking... and that's always a good place to start. As we continue to learn and think for ourselves, we can try to pass on what we've learned. If enough of us are successful, perhaps, we can turn the ship around and get back on course again.

"I never considered a difference of opinion in politics, in religion, in philosophy, as cause for withdrawing from a friend."  Thomas Jefferson

If Hillary was the answer, then it must have been a really stupid question!