Author Topic: Notifications  (Read 3608 times)

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Offline Administrator

« on: February 20, 2014, 05:22:19 PM »
When you registered for an account here at our forums, someone with administrator privileges had to approve your account. Once approved, you gained full access and the ability to reply and start new topics.

When your account was created for you, the default setting for "Notifications" is inactive. It is, however, very easily changed at will.  I have instructed my fellow administrators to activate "Notifications" on all accounts they approve.  This means that if you reply to a topic, or if you start a new one, any further replies, edits, or other actions taken by an administrator will generate an email to "notify" you. Fortunately, there is very little editing or other action taken by administrators, so most emails will be generated to alert you that a reply has been posted to either a board or a topic you are watching or with which you are involved. This setting should prove to be the most popular with most users, and no further action on your part should be necessary. 

But if you wish to change the operation of your notifications, you may do so at any time:

If you have a favorite board you wish to monitor, click on that board, and you will be shown a list of topics contained therein. At the top and bottom of the list, you will see a few buttons. "New Topic" "New Poll" "Notify" "mark Read"... By clicking on "Notify," you will be asked to confirm that you want to enable notifications for new topics on this board. By clicking "yes," you will be notified every time a new topic is started on that board only. If more than one new topic is started, you will only be notified of the first. (We don't want to fill your in-box with a LOT of notifications) If you wish to monitor more than one board, you must  enable notifications for each board in which you are interested. You may toggle the state of notifications for any single board on or off ant any time, with the same procedure.

But what if you are interested in one and only one thread on any given board? No problem. Click on the board that contains the topic, and verify that notifications are off for that board. (The button will say, "Notify." If Notifications are active, the button will say, "Unnotify".) Click on the individual topic, and, guess what! another "notify/unnotify"  button, and it works exactly as it does from the board level, but this one controls notifications only for this single topic. Usually, if you reply to a topic, "Notify" for that topic is turned on by default. This is to notify you that a reply has been made, and you may come back to continue the conversation.

But what if you just don't want any notifications on ANYTHING, period!  There's an app option for that!  From anywhere on the forum, locate and hover your mouse cursor over the "Profile" button on the main navigation menu bar, and slide down to, and click on "Forum Profile." This will take you to your profile settings. We encourage you to pick an avatar from our gallery, update any information you feel comfortable with, and if you make any changes, be sure to click the "Change Profile" button.

To change your "Notification" settings, click on "Notifications" from the "Modify Profile" menu. You will be taken to the page which allows you to fine-tune your notifications. You may uncheck the first two boxes, "Turn notification on when you post or reply to a topic." and  "When sending notification of a reply to a topic, send the post in the email (but please don't reply to these emails.)" to turn off ALL notifications, or you may change to what and how your are notified. If you change anything in the top section, be sure to click "Save Settings" to keep the changes.

In the lower part of the page, you are presented with a list of topics and boards to which you are currently being notified. Here, you have the ability to select which to either remain on, or turn off. As always, if you make any changes, be sure to save your new settings.

Now you know everything there is to know about "Notifications," and may use them at your pleasure.