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The Living Room / Free stuff
« Last post by Jim Nunziato on March 19, 2016, 09:40:19 PM »
The folks who are getting the free stuff don't like the folks who are paying for the free stuff, because the folks who are paying for the  free stuff can no longer afford to pay for both the free stuff and their own stuff. The folks who are paying for the free stuff want the free stuff to stop!

And the folks who are getting the free stuff want even more free stuff on top of the free stuff they're already getting!

Now, the people who are forcing some people to pay for the free stuff, have told the people who are RECEIVING the free stuff, that the people who are PAYING for the free stuff are being mean, prejudiced, and racist. And the people who are GETTING the free stuff, have been convinced they need to hate the people who are paying for their free stuff, and giving them free stuff in the first place.

We have let the giving of free stuff go on for so long, that there are now more people getting free stuff than paying for the free stuff!


Now understand this:  All great democracies have committed financial suicide somewhere between 200 and 250  years after being founded.

The reason?

The voters figured out they could vote themselves money from the treasury by electing people who promised to give them money from the treasury in exchange for electing them.

The United States officially became a Republic in 1776, 238 years ago. The number of people now getting free stuff outnumbers the people paying for the free stuff. Failure to change that spells the end of the United States as we know it.


A Nation of Sheep Breeds a Government of Wolves!

Borders: Closed!

Language: English only

Culture: God, Constitution, and the Bill of Rights!

Drug Free: Mandatory Drug Screening before Welfare to only those who truly need it!

NO  freebies to: Non-Citizens!

What do YOU think?
Just For Fun / Re: What Happened?
« Last post by Janet Nunziato on March 17, 2016, 10:59:42 PM »
I have no idea.  This just makes my head hurt!  Sheesh!   ???
The Living Room / Thought to ponder...
« Last post by Jim Nunziato on March 14, 2016, 12:36:44 PM »
"Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured...   but not everyone must prove they are a citizen."

Now add this; "Many of those who refuse, or are unable, to prove they are citizens will receive free insurance paid for by those who are forced to buy insurance because they are citizens."

Think about that for a while

-Ben Stein
Just For Fun / What Happened?
« Last post by Jim Nunziato on March 13, 2016, 07:47:36 PM »
Frank was driving along minding his own business, when all of a sudden he experienced a malfunction with his vehicle. After he was safely out of traffic, he called his brother, Tom, and asked him to come out and "rescue" him.

Shortly thereafter, Tom arrived, and after assessing the situation, said, "I can't tow you home..."  So Frank said, "Ok, I'll tow you home."

How is it that Frank broke down, Tom couldn't tow him home, but in spite of his malfunctioning vehicle, Frank was able to tow Tom home?

What happened to Frank's vehicle that prohibits Tom from towing him, yet still allows Frank to tow Tom's vehicle? 

The Constitution / How? Why? Who is at fault?
« Last post by Jim Nunziato on March 06, 2016, 09:16:29 AM »
Our Constitution separates our federal government into three distinct branches; The Legislative, Executive and Judicial. Each is equal, to the other two, and each has its own specific function. The reason it was set up this way was to prevent any one branch from usurping too much power over the other two, or over the Sovereign States or "We The People." If any branch of the federal government tried to gather too much power unto itself, the other two branches would over-rule, and restore the balance. This "check" on the over-reaching branch was designed as a system of "checks and balances".  It was a fantastic system, and if everyone followed it as it was designed, it worked flawlessly.

It seems to be human nature to always want "more."  Over time, those in power devise schemes to grant themselves more and more power, and try to convince "We The People" that their schemes are in our best interest. When "We The People" do not keep ourselves educated, informed, and watchful over "The Chosen Ones" whom we send to Washington to represent our best interests, they figure out that we do not care, or understand what they are doing. Their interests then begin to change from ours to their own

It boggles my mind to see how much power the federal government has today when I read what specific enumerated powers are granted to it by Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution. How could this have happened when our Founding Fathers designed specific checks and balances into the system to prevent it?

It's very simple. "We The People" are asleep, apathetic, and many of us just don't care. Those whom we have elected to represent us know it, and it emboldens them to do everything they can get away with, to serve their own best interests, instead of ours.  The only time they even know we exist is when they need our vote to keep them in power. So, who is to blame? I'll leave that for you to figure out for yourself.

How has the Executive branch grown so powerful? Article 2, Sections 2 & 3 define the powers granted to the Executive branch. Where in those two sections does it grant the power to intrude, control and regulate every aspect of our personal lives through "agencies" instead of "Laws?"  Who grants these said "agencies" the power and authority to write  "regulations" which carry penalties and fines, up to and including incarceration, with absolutely no input from the Legislative branch?  This is usurped power by the Executive branch, from the Legislative branch. Is the Legislative branch asleep too? I don't think so...

Could it be that our elected representatives in the Legislative branch are so well tuned in to the low awareness level of "We The People"  that they know they can "bargain away" power to the Executive branch if they in return get bills signed into law that benefit themselves?  For one simple example, things like automatic pay raises for themselves unless they specifically vote to NOT get one for a session?  How else could bills such as that get signed into law without some form of "bargaining chip" that will benefit both branchs? I don't know about you, but it makes me wonder...

It's time for "We The People" to wake up, educate ourselves, and elect representatives for ourselves who will keep our best interests in mind when they go to Washington to serve us! We must elect representatives who will go to Washington and change the everyday "business as usual" and restore the federal government back to what the Constitution defined it. We have to send representatives to Washington who are willing to break up the enormous "politics" machine by establishing term limits for all representatives, thereby eliminating "career" politicians. Our representatives should go to Washington, serve their term, and return back home with nothing more than what the arrived with. They are not "royalty" and should not be treated as such. They are not "above" we who sent them to Washington," and should not be treated as such. 

It is up to "We The People" to control the federal government, not the other way around.

What say you?

Politics In General / Presidential Election
« Last post by Jim Nunziato on March 03, 2016, 08:58:34 PM »

I am amazed at what I see happening in the main stream media and the Republican National Party concerning the people choosing a new president for themselves.

Love him or hate him, Donald Trump is walking away with the republican side of the choosing process. Why? I can only guess that it's partly because he's funding his own campaign, so he is beholden to no one. He's not politically correct, in a world that is obsessed with it, and most of us are fed up with it. He's a successful business man who's not the least bit shy about telling you how wealthy he is. He didn't get rich by being stupid, and many Americans are fed up with the fiscally  Ir-responsibile  "politics as usual" inside (and out) the beltway.  They want someone who understands that no entity, private or otherwise, can continue to exist while spending more money than they take in. Washington is totally clueless of this concept.

So far, the Main stream media and the Republican National Party are doing everything they can to destroy him. They just don't get it. I can understand fully why the main stream media, with their liberal biases do not want to see the democratic nominee, whomever it may be, compete against him.

I don't understand why, when Trump is running as a republican, and doing quite well, I might add, the National Republican Party is also trying to prevent him from getting the necessary delegates to secure the Republican Party Nomination. You'd think that they'd be tickled to have a strong republican candidate whom is doing so well.

Oh, wait, I think I might have a possible answer... Perhaps because the National Republican Party leadership has more of their own "best interests" in mind over those of "We The People?" Trump is resonating with what so many voters want that he seems to be unstoppable.

The more Trump wins in the primaries, the more
desperately his own supposed "family" try to destroy him. "We The People" are speaking very loudly in the primary elections. Does our voice only mean something when it is agreement with the main stream media and the Republican National Party? I say, "Let the people speak, and let the people's voice resonate loud and clear." Amen!

And there's one more thing that's a real "burr under my saddle..." Those of my fellow conservatives who have already made no bones about it, they will NOT vote for Trump if he gets the republican nomination. Folks, you have no idea how STUPID that notion is, and how much it frustrates me.

To those folks, I ask another question for you to ponder... I can understand how and why you might not like Trump, and I have no problem with that whatsoever. But if Trump is the nominee, and you just cannot bring yourself to vote for him, DO YOU LIKE HILLARY OR BERNIE BETTER THAN YOU LIKE TRUMP? If you decide to not vote for Trump, then your (non) vote will allow a vote for Bernie or Hillary to go UN-neutralized!!! If you like either Bernie or Hillary better than you like Trump, why not just vote for them instead of NOT voting for Trump?

Remember, obama won his second term with a margin of five hundred thousand votes. FOUR MILLION republicans who "couldn't bring themselves to vote for Romney" made their "statement" by "sitting that one out."

Unfortunately, their "statement" affected us all, and gave the arguably worst president in our nation's history four more years to drive us even further into debt, and further shred our Constitution.

No candidate is perfect. No candidate will be 100% in line with everyone. If you're not 100% in step with the current nominee, are you more in step with his opponent?  Take a few steps back and get a broader view of the big picture. Vote your heart, vote for the candidate who you think will do the best job for our country, but for God's sake, V-O-T-E!!!

I now return the soap box to the next speaker...

The Living Room / Re: The American Creed
« Last post by Janet Nunziato on February 21, 2016, 12:24:01 PM »
Well done, Jim, well done!  You nailed it all rather neatly.
The Living Room / Pray for our country
« Last post by Jim Nunziato on February 14, 2016, 12:22:32 AM »
Psalm 46:10

Dear Beloved God in Heaven,
Please give us a president that loves this country and everything it stands for.
Please give us a president who respects you as the one true God.
Please give us a president who will, with your help, restore this nation to its former glory, the way you created her.
Please help us to respect what you have given to us and not take anything for granted ever again. Please God, weaken the evil and strengthen the good, both within and without. May our eyes be opened.

In Jesus’ name,  Amen

                                  God Bless America

Friends, you are free to forward this prayer to all of your fellow Christians and urge them to read it, then pass it on.  As never before in the history of this country has this plea been so vital.   

In God We Trust
God Bless America

The Living Room / The Miracle of Freedom - by Ted Cruz
« Last post by Jim Nunziato on February 13, 2016, 04:53:47 PM »
The Miracle of Freedom
Senator Ted Cruz

Looking back over all of the history of mankind, the miracle of freedom has been the exception. For thousands of years, under all types of governments, emperors, kings & queens, and totalitarian rulers, we were told that power starts at the top and flows down to the people.

In England, where kings and queens ruled for hundreds of years, it was understood that the rights of the people emanate from a monarch and may be taken away at the monarch’s whim. It was the British who began a revolution against that way of thinking as far back as the year 1215, in the unlikely location of a meadow called Runnymede.

It was there that the Magna Carta was created, and which read in part, “To all free men of our kingdom we have also granted, for us and our heirs forever, all the liberties written out below, to have and to keep for them and their heirs….” That revolution fully blossomed over 550-years later in 1787, in Philadelphia in a Constitution that began with two radical premises:`

The first was that our rights come from God, not from kings or queens, emperors or presidents, but directly from God. Our Declaration of Independence reinforced that premise by clearly stating, in writing, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, and that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”

The second premise in the Constitution dealt with a new idea of sovereignty and the flow of power. They founders stated that power flows not from the top down, but up, from “We the People,” and the governing authority we vest in those in political offices is to be limited to set periods subject to elections.

James Madison clearly understood the frailty of men and their quest for increased power, and he stated his reasoning in Federalist 51 when he wrote, “If men were angels, no government would be necessary…. In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself.”

Today, you can be certain that there are no angels in Washington, DC, and that is why Thomas Jefferson said the “chains of the Constitution” should bind the mischief of government.  Because only when government is limited are rights protected, the rule of law honored, and freedom allowed to flourish.

The truth is that freedom works, the proof of that statement is that the American free market system is the greatest engine for prosperity and opportunity that the world has ever seen.  No other nation on Earth has allowed so many millions to come to its shores with nothing and achieve so much.

Prior to the American Revolution, the average human lived on a wage of between one and three dollars a day, no matter what region of the world in which he lived – Europe, Africa, Asia, North or South America. But after the Revolution of 1776, the birth of the American experiment began, and for the first time in the history of the world, per capita income in a few countries began to grow rapidly, and nowhere was that more evident than in these United States.

Because of economic freedom, per capita income in America was, by the 1830’s, the highest in the world, enabling entrepreneurs and small businesses to flourish.  In just the past 200-years, U.S. economic growth rates have far outpaced all others throughout the world, producing per capita incomes equal to about 6-times greater than the world average, and 50% higher than those in Europe.

To put that into a more striking perspective, the United States represents 4.5% of the global population and produces a staggering 22% of the world’s output, and has sustained that level for the past 2-decades despite increasing competition from abroad.

If we step back for a moment to look at the accomplishments of our comparatively new nation, we see that today the U.S. Dollar remains the international reserve currency, and English is the language standard throughout the world of commerce. The strength of our economy permits us to have and maintain the mightiest military the world has ever seen and U.S. culture in TV, film and the Internet is preeminent in the world – with I’m certain, apologies due for some of their content. A disproportionate number of the world’s great discoveries in medicine, pharmaceuticals, electronics, the Internet and other technologies come from America, and contribute to improving, expanding and saving lives.

America is the country where the telephone, automobile, airplane and iPhone were invented, and our technology and spirit of adventure led to having Americans be the first to walk on the moon.

In the political arena, the liberal left seeks to extend the hand of government down to people, to put them on an elevator and pull them up the economic ladder. While their intent may be noble, the reality is that approach never works. Conservatives know and understand that the only way to help people is to provide them the opportunity to access the stairway leading to the top. Conservatives know that the liberal “elevator to success” is broken, and that to reach the top, people have to be given the opportunity to make it on their own, one step at a time.

Today we hear about poverty in our country.  Yes, there are poor people in America, but thanks to our free market system, the average poor American has more living space than the typical non-poor person in Sweden, France, or the United Kingdom. Today, 80% of American households have air conditioning, 96% of poor parents report that their children were never hungry at any time in the preceding year because the family could not afford food.

Of course there remains a great deal of need in America and throughout the world, and if we’re able, we should reach out to our fellow man.  But more and more government has not been and is not the answer or the best approach.  To believe otherwise ignores the fact that all major European nations have higher levels of public spending than does the United States, and yet every one of those countries is poorer than we.

Human beings are not happiest when cared for by the state, and cradle to grave dependency is not an attractive utopia.  Men and women flourish when afforded the equal opportunity to work, create and accomplish without government intrusion.  The question might be asked who cares more for your family, the government or you, even in area like healthcare.

A great example of that may be a story from Texas, when many years ago Senator Phil Gramm, during a hearing on Capitol Hill about socialized medicine, listened as a witness explained that the US government would be best at caring for people. Senator Gramm said, “I care more about my family than anyone else does.” The surprised witness than said, “Oh no, Senator. I care as much about your children.”  Senator Gramm smiled and said, “Really? What are their names?”

Why, over the centuries, have millions risked everything to come to America? It’s not to have dictators, monarchs or presidents tell them how life will be for them. It is precisely because economic freedom and opportunity outperform centralized planning and regulations.

Many of us here today could stand up and tell the story about how an ancestor came to this country risking everything for the freedom and liberty to make something of their lives. We are all children of those who risked everything for liberty – knowing the value of that freedom is now part of our DNA as Americans – valuing our freedom and opportunity above all.

In 1976, Margaret Thatcher delivered her “Britain Awake” speech where she said, “There are moments in our history when we have to make a fundamental choice.  This is one such moment, a moment when our choice will determine the life or death of our kind of society and the future of our children.  Let’s ensure that our children will have cause to rejoice that we did not forsake their freedom. Of course, this places a burden on us, but it is one that we must be willing to bear if we want our freedom to survive.”

It is up to each of us as individuals to continue to carry the torch for freedom, so that we may ensure that America remains a shining city on a hill, a beacon to the world of hope and freedom and opportunity.

Thank you, God bless you, and may God bless America.   
The Living Room / Acting Like a Founder - by Dr. Ben Carson
« Last post by Jim Nunziato on February 13, 2016, 04:49:48 PM »
Acting Like a Founder
Dr. Ben Carson

February 27, 2014 Most of us can remember feeling that someone had done us a great injustice. On those occasions, we want nothing more than to exact revenge. I remember being unfairly treated as a lowly ROTC cadet by one of the sergeants who resented the fact that my brother had been promoted to captain and company commander over him.
I was ambitious and worked extremely hard, resulting in my promotion in record time to the rank of colonel and city executive officer. This individual was now firmly under my command, and I could have wreaked havoc in his life. Instead, I chose to give him extra responsibilities. Responding to the challenge, he proved himself to be quite capable, earning further promotions. Because I resisted the urge to retaliate, we both won. This same principle applies in politics.
Unfortunately, in the past, we have been a reactionary country, resulting in political shifts back and forth from left to right without a lot of forward progress. After attaining power, both sides act in ways that are less than honorable, but they justify their actions by citing similar transgressions performed by the other side. This immature behavior is vividly exhibited by President Obama in his shameless use of executive orders to try to force the eventual success of Obamacare.
Administration supporters defend his strategy by pointing out that previous presidents have issued even more executive orders than Obama. It's like saying that punching someone 40 times is more harmful than shooting him four times. However, it's not the quantity of executive orders that matters, but their impact.
There are always people who attempt to pick apart an analogy, but most readers will see the point. In the current controversy, a massive politically motivated government program was forced on half of the population with their opinions completely disregarded. No legislation of this magnitude ever had been passed in the history of the United States by one party with unanimous opposition by the other party. Each executive order to sustain Obamacare is like pouring salt in a wound. Furthermore, the concept of seeking common ground is further damaged.
When the political pendulum swings again, which I predict will begin this November, it is imperative for the sake of our progeny that those in power act like "the adults in the room" and govern in a lawful and constitutional manner. This means refraining from the use of excessive government interference in choosing winners and losers. It also means an evenhanded enforcement of all of our laws rather than repeating the Obama administration's practice of selective law enforcement. Adult governance is founded upon objectivity, not ideology.
The American people have suffered through decades of power-drunk politicians, many of whom practiced deceitful manipulation. This has caused tens of millions of Americans to abandon in disgust their duty to be informed and responsible voters, which only makes the situation worse.
I have encountered a large number of elderly people who have told me that they have given up on the United States and are simply waiting to die. This is the reason that more eligible voters opted not to vote in the last presidential election than actually voted for either candidate. Many of these people are members of "the greatest generation." They fought tangible and visible forces that threatened our freedom. The forces facing us now are less tangible, but are nevertheless at least as lethal to our way of life.
Despite all the naysayers on both sides, I am convinced by the people I encounter on the speaking circuit that common sense, honesty and fairness can return to the corridors of power in America. We can govern in a manner that not only re-engages millions, but also provides liberty and justice for all.
As it was in the days of the Founding Fathers before the American Revolution, now it is necessary for ordinary Americans to engage their neighbors, friends and colleagues in serious discussions about what kind of nation they want to pass on to their children and grandchildren. It is important that everyone knows who represents them both at the state level and at the national level. The party affiliation of those representatives is not nearly as important as their voting record. Every American, regardless of their political affiliation, must distinguish those who represent the free-enterprise system based on personal responsibility and equal treatment from those who are willing to give away our personal freedom in order to enhance the size and scope of the government.
The power to reverse the deterioration of our nation is within the hands of "we the people." We must realize that our countrymen are not our enemies, and we must understand that we cannot rely on those in the media and in politics to tell us the truth. We need to go beyond them and rely on ourselves to craft a truly free America that works for all of us. This means we must become informed voters and use our votes effectively to choose the kind of leadership that represents the will of the people.
(Appeared in 2/27/14)
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