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Help Desk / Board level notifications: Should I care about them?
« Last post by Administrator on February 10, 2016, 09:43:51 PM »
Notifications are emails which will alert you about something that has happened here at our forums. Should you care? Possibly. If you started a new topic, or you replied to one, and someone else replies to your post, without notifications, you would never know unless you came back and just happened to stumble on the new reply(s).

When you registered at our forums, we had to approve your account. At that time, we turned notifications on for whenever you start a new topic, or reply to one. If you do either, you will be notified by email whenever anyone else adds another reply to that topic.  For most folks, that is all they desire, so you don't have to do anything else.

There may be times when you are interested in anything that happens on a particular board. If anyone starts a new topic, you want to be notified. Since you didn't start it, and didn't reply to it, how can you receive notifications about that new topic? Simple: you turn on notifications at the BOARD level.

Begin by clicking on the "Home" button (that would be the first one on the left) of the main navigation menu at the top of any page, right under your name. That will take you to the "Home" page.

The “Home” page is a list of “Categories” and “Boards.” “Categories” are groups of boards. “The Welcome Center”, “Sentinel Patriot Club Lounge”, “Discussion Hall”, “2nd Amendment” etc. are all “Categories” that contain “Boards” of discussions in topics relating to the name of the Category. (Hopefully)

This is a list of categories that contain boards of topics related to the name of the category.
There’s a lot happening in this screen shot, and I will be using it in future help files.

For now, I want to concentrate on notifications. From the HOME page, you see a list of all the “boards” on the forum.  Let’s concentrate on the “Announcements” board for right now.  By clicking on the word, “Announcements,” you will enter that board, and you will be able to see all of the different topics, or conversations there. 


Notice that I have circled the word “Announcements?” That whole line is a “road map” of sorts, that at a glance, lets you know where you are, and how you got there. I have circled “Announcements” because that’s where you are. If you go back one link from there, you came through “The Welcome Center” which is the first “Category” that contains “boards.” If you go back from there, you wind up back at the home page.

Ok, we’re here because of “Notifications.” Look at the top row of buttons above the list of “Topics.” There is “NEW TOPIC”, “NEW POLL”, “NOTIFY” and “MARK READ”. Click on “NOTIFY” and confirm “Yes.”   Notice that the “NOTIFY” button changes to “UNNOTIFY.”

Congratulations!!! You just turned notifications on for the entire board of “Announcements.” (Toldya it was easy, didn’t I?)  Now, any new announcement, or reply to a note in “Announcements” will generate an email to let you know about it. If several new posts are made, you will only receive an email about the first. You can also turn them off just as easily. Just click on “UNNOTIFY” and confirm. Poof! They’re gone! You must turn them on for each board for which you wish to receive notifications. You may indulge yourself with as many or as few boards as you may so desire.

Now you know all there is to know about notifications. 

Go forth, be fruitful and converse!

The Living Room / Re: New Bumper Sticker
« Last post by Janet Nunziato on February 06, 2016, 12:32:31 AM »
I've had one of these on my car ever since they were first made available.  They're great!
Announcements / New feature!
« Last post by Jim Nunziato on February 05, 2016, 06:20:59 PM »
Today I activated a new feature. Well, the truth is, today I finally got it working! I installed it a few weeks ago, and it didn't work. I tinkered with it a bit with no success, and yesterday I did some research on the "Mother Board" and found a few things to try here at home. In reality, it was working, but I couldn't see it...

Today I found that I had to manually edit a few files in the "theme" files that makes the forum look like it does. Once I made the edits, Viola! Now we can SEE it's working. Now we have to play with it to see how we all like it.

As you read any post that you did not make, you will see a button that says, "I Like This!" If you click on that button, you are saying, "I Like This!" You get credit for one "like" given, and the author of the note gets credit for one "Like" received. It really doesn't mean anything important, but it's just a simple way of saying "attaboy" or "attagirl" without going through a full reply. It is a way to see how popular a note is, and I thought it would be a fun addition. But, while you can not "Like" your own notes, I suppose it might be possible to bribe a few others to like them for you...    I hope everyone enjoys it!  Oh, one more thing; Once you "Like" a note, the "Like" button changes to "Unlike," so you can change your mind, collect the "likes" of you and go home. Humph!

"If you LIKE a note, you can KEEP......  No, wait, that's not right... I wonder where that came from...   

Just For Fun / Poker anyone?
« Last post by Jim Nunziato on November 27, 2015, 10:03:49 PM »

The other night we were playing with a real deck of cards (imagine that!) and the subject of poker came up.

Janet said she never learned how to play poker, and asked if I could teach her. I explained the value of all the cards, and the ranking of all the different "hands," starting with the Royal Flush, all the way down to not even a pair, or a hand worth nothing.  All the cards were face up on the table during this learning process.

When she thought she understood, she suggested we play a game with all the cards face up, and we would each pick a hand, and see who would win.

I said, "That's a stupid game, because I'll pick a Royal Flush, and you'll pick a Royal Flush, and neither of us would ever win."

She said, "Well, in a real game, you said we could throw away one, two, three, or all of our cards and exchange them for others. Let's do the same thing."

Again I objected, "Why would we need to exchange any cards if we both pick Royal Flushes? There would be no need to exchange anything!"

She said, "Let me go first, and I bet I can beat you."

So, I let her go first,

...and she beat me...

...every time...

How did she do it?

Current Events / Re: Glenn Beck's Restoring Unity Rally
« Last post by Jim Nunziato on September 04, 2015, 08:03:35 AM »
Hi Louise,

   You're right. Our country is in big trouble and there are so many people today who do not know, and who do not care. Our constitution can only work for a moral and educated people. Morality cannot be legislated. The general population needs to be re-educated about our history; why and how our country was formed, and return back to those principles. We are a nation divided, and if we are to survive, we need to get back together. We can start on a few things we all do agree on, and move on from there.

   Glenn Beck has a lot of good ideas, as do a lot of other folks. Unfortunately, if someone doesn't agree with their ideas, the first reaction is to trash them rather than talk and try to find common ground.

   For anyone interested, here is a link to There's a lot going on there...
Current Events / Glenn Beck's Restoring Unity Rally
« Last post by Louise on September 02, 2015, 11:49:03 PM »
It's time to stop arguing about doctrine and calling each other names. There is a crisis in the country and we need to join with others who may be different and may not have the same beliefs in order to reestablish unity and return to the values of the founding fathers and the US Constitution. I attended the Rally in Birmingham last weekend. I don't know if this is the place to put this comment, but if we don't start talking to one another instead of arguing, our country is not going to survive. We must defeat the evil that is going to destroy us. It is the Judeo Christian values and knowledge that will save us, but we can't talk about that or the Constitution to well-meaning people who have been brainwashed and are culturally and historically illiterate. Glenn Beck has some new ideas that will help restore unity. Go to the
Current Events / Minimum wage
« Last post by Jim Nunziato on May 28, 2015, 05:36:35 PM »
I've been hearing quite a bit lately about getting the "Federal Minimum Wage" raised from $7.25. On February 12, 2014, President Obama signed Executive Order 13658, “Establishing a Minimum Wage for Contractors,” to raise the minimum wage to $10.10 for workers on Federal construction and service contracts. Los Angeles and Seattle (individual cities in sovereign states) are proposing to raise it to $15.00. This is "minimum" wage, folks!

The way I see it, if I have a job that needs to be done, and need to hire someone to do it, I offer the job at whatever wage I'm willing to pay. If someone wants it, they either accept what I'm offering, or attempt to negotiate with me for a better salary. If he can convince me that his qualifications and/or experience would benefit my operation, I might agree to pay him more than my original offer. The point is, whatever we both agree upon, is between me and the prospective employee, and no one else. If he doesn't like what I'm offering, no one is forcing him to take the job. 

We've all heard the supporters of raising minimum wage claim, "It's not possible to support a family on minimum wags!" News flash!!! Minimum wage was never intended to support a family!
:o By design, it's supposed to be an entry level wage, for minimum or low skill work. If I hire you to flip burgers for $7.25 an hour, and you want a raise, you have to convince me how raising your salary will help my business. After all, the only reason the job was created in the first place, was because my business had a need, and you agreed to do it at a certain wage.

If I raise your salary to $10.10 an hour, are my burgers going to taste any better? Are you going to flip more burgers than you're already flipping?  If I see no increase in your productivity, or the burgers are not going to taste any better, why would I increase your salary? News Flash!!! Business owners own businesses to make money, not just to "create jobs."  :o Creating jobs is great, and everybody benefits from them, but the bottom line is that those jobs are created is so the owner can make a profit and make money.

 If nothing changes in the job you do, the only way I would be able to make up the difference in your increased salary would be to raise prices for my burgers. Raising prices and not giving my customer anything more in exchange, drives customers away. I do not see that as good business.

What's your opinion?

Current Events / Big Brother is (and has been) watching
« Last post by Jim Nunziato on May 24, 2015, 09:04:52 AM »
The Patriot Act was signed into law by president George W. Bush on October 26, 2001. Title II of it provided for "Enhanced Surveillance procedures," which basically allowed the National Security Administration, (NSA) to collect "metadata" on every call made by every body on every phone.

Some may not understand what "metadata" is, so I'll explain. I worked for almost 45 years for the telephone company. Metadata is data about data. It's what we used to refer to as,  the "call details." It records what telephone number called what what other telephone number, the date, time and duration of the call, and what telephone company equipment and facilities were used to connect and complete the call. Conversation and/or content of the call were not recorded. Only the "data" about the "details" of the call. With this information, a complete calling history can be assembled on any telephone in the country. It used to be that this type of data was only recorded on "toll" calls, because that information was needed to determine charges, and for billing purposes. Several years before I retired, this information was recorded and stored for every call, whether you called across the country, or the other phone sitting at the other end of the same desk. The Patriot Act of 2001, allowed the NSA to collect and store all this data.

The Patriot Act is set to expire on June 1, 2015 if it is not renewed. Over 60% of Americans feel that the federal government has no right to collect and store data about every call they make without a court order. The FBI has confirmed that not one single case of terrorism has been solved or thwarted by the use of all this metadata. So what's the point?

The House of Representatives passed the USA Freedom Act which pretty much leaves the NSA surveillance intact. Senator Rand Paul spoke for almost 10 and a half hours on the Senate floor, on why the Patriot Act needs to expire and stop the unconstitutional spying on American phone calls.

What's your opinion?

The Living Room / The American Creed
« Last post by Jim Nunziato on May 22, 2015, 08:13:48 AM »
Being raised in the Catholic faith, we were taught the Apostle's Creed.

Lately, I began thinking, if there were an "American" Creed, what would it look like?  Well, I fired up the word processor and just started typing.

This is just off the top of my head...

The Living Room / Why do we need Forums?
« Last post by Jim Nunziato on May 12, 2015, 06:53:36 AM »
As we go about our daily lives, our country is in grave danger.

There once was a time when no other nation on the planet would ever entertain the thought of trying to conquer us. Today, our current leadership and lawmakers seem to be intent on destroying us from within, and aiding those who would defeat us from afar.

Last year I began reading the Bible. This year I am reading it again, on a different schedule. This morning I read chapter 1 in the book of Isaiah. Wow! If that first chapter doesn't describe the current state of America, nothing does. Simply replace "Israel" with "America." But all is not hopeless; it also gives remedy in verses 16-20 on how to recover and get back into God's good graces.

For years I have said that in order for this great nation to be restored to what it once was, "We The People" must change our ways, and refocus. We have been led astray, and followed like lost sheep. Morality cannot be legislated; it must come from the people. If we are to get the bus back on the right road, we have to elect good drivers.

But how do we undo all the damage caused to our bus by previous bad drivers who made many wrong turns and got us hopelessly lost on unpaved wilderness trails instead of staying on the paved interstate highways? As long as our Constitution is still the document which dictates what the federal government can and cannot do, "We The People" must re-educate ourselves and try to spread the good word that there is still hope, but time is running out. It always has been, and still is up to "We The People" to be diligent in keeping watch on those who we elect to represent us as "drivers of the bus."   And that's where comes in...

I personally have many questions on how several things that we take as commonplace can be "constitutional." In no particular order of importance, things like;

  • How can it be "constitutional" for a few select states with early primary elections to set the direction a presidential election takes for the entire country?
  • How can it be "constitutional" for states to agree among themselves to tell their state electors to vote for whoever wins the popular vote, thereby setting simple majority rule, and effectively eliminating the electoral college?
  • How can it be "constitutional" for lawmakers to write laws from which they are exempt?
  • What happens to all bills if it is later discovered that the president who signed them into law was unlawfully elected?
  • ...and the list goes on...
   I know I am not the only one with concerns, and many of us have concerns of our own. is a place where we of like minds can gather to share concerns, learn, and spread what we learn to others.

   What are your thoughts?

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